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I have downloaded the Florida dataset from the state website at Master Address List Download It seems to be paid for by the State of Florida, so hopefully okay to use. I brought it into MySQL, and it includes street number, prefix, street, city, zip and LAT and LON for over 9 million locations. It also contains sales tax information by destination, the reason I compiled it.

However,it seems like an amazing data source for OpenStreetMap The data on the Florida map is very sketchy in this area... in fact I have to look up LAT and LON on Google when making a favorite prior to my leaving the house.. using the Android App OsmAnd ... which I think uses the OpenStreetMap dats. As I have it in my local MySQL database, it could be exported nearly any way. Thoughts? Sound terrific? Sounds copyrighted so unavailable? I hope not! Please let me know what you think.

asked 24 Aug '16, 03:32

LouiePaul's gravatar image

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You should take a look at the guidelines for uploading datasets from other sources:

permanent link

answered 24 Aug '16, 03:50

logrady's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


And if the license is okay, you need a plan to deal with addresses that are already in OSM. Usually the existing ones are kept, so you need a way to identify and remove duplicates from the import. And you should come up with a QA plan to assure things go well. For this getting local mappers involved is a good idea.

(24 Aug '16, 05:04) n76

@LouiePaul you need to follow the import guidelines and please: they have been born out of a decade of bad imports and while might seem strict, are so because it is necessary.

You will need community buy in and a plan how to conflate the imported data with existing data. This will be a fair bit of work.

(24 Aug '16, 06:42) SimonPoole ♦

The link I provided includes very detailed instructions about these issues (and more):

Step 1 - Prerequisites, Step 2 - Community Buy-in, Step 3 - License approval, Step 4 - Documentation, Step 5 - Import Review, Step 6 - Uploading.

(24 Aug '16, 07:01) logrady

If you want a lat long it can be found moving the map centre then read the URL... so 13 is zoom level, 35.1541 North ( negative for South) and -90.0321 West ( positive = East)

(24 Aug '16, 13:46) andy mackey

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question asked: 24 Aug '16, 03:32

question was seen: 3,332 times

last updated: 24 Aug '16, 13:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum