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I would appreciate your advice on how to map this place. alt text Believe it or not, this is the entrance to a public land, but the city is required by regulations to have this gate closed and locked in front of it. It is trivial for bikes and pedestrians to walk around the gate, although it is impassible by cars. Behind the gate is an abandoned road, which leads to hiking trails.

Would I use abandoned:highway=* for the road? Or should the highway=footway since it is only closed to vehicles? Do you recommend barrier=gate or I was thinking barrier=fence ; fence=chain_link since the gate is always closed.

asked 22 Aug '16, 13:17

mtc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Aug '16, 00:52

The lifecycle prefix abandoned: works by prepending it to the tag's key which the feature would have had before it was abandoned. I do not know what this one was/is. Maybe a highway=service or highway=track. Depends on its use. However, is this road really abandoned, or just used by few city vehicles? It also looks like it is in a reasonable state, so I would just use the normal highway tag (not abandoned:). For example: highway=track + tracktype=grade1 + surface=asphalt. If it was a "unclassified" road before it was "abanoned" (but if it is still in a good state for such a road) you may add disused:highway=unclassified.

Regarding access tags: apparently everything except some people are forbidden to use this road. I would go for access=private. In addition, if is is well known and somehow obvious that it is tolerated by the city if someone gets around/through the gate, then also use foot=permissive + bicycle=permissive on the way. I would map it as gate - not as fence. It still can be opened by some people!

Map the gate as node of the way. Apply the same access tags to the gate as you used for the way. Maybe also add this tag: description=gate, which is an entrance to a public land, but the city is required by regulations to have this gate closed and locked in front of it. It is trivial for bikes and pedestrians to walk around the gate, although it is impassible by cars.

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answered 22 Aug '16, 21:48

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 22 Aug '16, 23:29

Hi mtc, leave the road tagging untouched or ad access=no and ad the fence surrounding the area, with the barrier=gate tag on the road. That the gate is passable (illegally) is not that important, it’s closed or locked access=no. And ad any tag you consider to be usable.

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answered 22 Aug '16, 13:45

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 22 Aug '16, 13:17

question was seen: 3,036 times

last updated: 23 Aug '16, 00:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum