I'm doing some mapping in Lome, the capital city of Togo. Officially Lome is comprised of 69 separate Quartiers (suberbs) that make up "la commune de Lome". But the OpenStreetMap doesn't have all 69 names of the quartiers, and it currently includes some old suberb names that cover larger surface area and are no longer used. For example, what is marked as Klikame is now comprised of Be-Klikame (SE), Aflao-Gakli (Centra), Totsi (West), Agbalepedo (North). Also it appears that some of the suberbs are marked as towns, where in reality, they are just one of the suberbs that make up the town of Lome (Agbalepedogan is one of these marked as a separate town, which should be a suberb). Can I create an area then call that area by a place=suburb label? |