When I use JOSM in the new version of Ubuntu operating system, I should be able to use the ALT key when adding a node to a way, so that the tags of the original way do not replicate onto the new way. However, when I hold the ALT key and press the left mouse button, the mouse pointer changes to a closed hand. Clicking and dragging will windowize the JOSM window and move the window. This must be a function of the Ubuntu Unity windowing interface. Is there anyone out there who knows how to change this functionality in the windowing interface? |
Yes, moving a window with Alt+Drag is a usual window manager feature. It should work with all of your windows (not just JOSM). Just found via a web search: https://www.ubuntutricks.com/how-to-change-alt-click-window-dragging-behavior (not tried by me). If you try, please give feedback here. Alternatively: you could change the shortcut in JOSM's preferences to not use "Alt". However, I cannot find the relevant entry (for your described editing feature) in the shortcut list there. 1
Yes that worked! (... had to install dconf-editor ... fyi) Not sure that the ALT key can be changed in JOSM.. did not see it in Keyboard Shortcuts Thanks so much for checking this out for me. I was abput to change window mamagers. Hope this post will help someone else, too.
(21 Aug '16, 14:51)
@mtc: thanks for your feedback! very helpful for others!
(21 Aug '16, 18:38)
aseerel4c26 ♦