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Hello, when I open ,then "eset nod32 antivirus 9"says:

The adress has been locked. URL: IP-Adress:

This message may have up to 100 part Messages,each per xxxx.png and the "eset anti virus" does not show the map. Is there a virus or is it a mistake of "eset anti virus" ? Thx in advancefor your help. Josef alias osmwichtel

asked 19 Aug '16, 19:15

osmwichtel's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 08 Sep '16, 06:48

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

The question has been closed for the following reason "Problem is outdated - summary by best guess: in the meantime ESET have changed their classification and likely there never was a problem with the site." by aseerel4c26 08 Sep '16, 06:48

No, I doubt that opentopomap is malicious. Especially not the PNG map images (that would need a big security hole in your browser/OS graphics library to be possible) which are loaded on your umap. Yes, so, I think this is a mistake of ESET.

Yes, ESET currently reports this site as "Malware site" - see . No other of the 68 scanners at this scanner comparison site does so. In fact ESET categorizes the whole opentopomap site as "Malware site" - see .

I could not see calls to third party resources by the opentopomap website (which often happens for infected sites).

I have written the opentopomap developer derstefan an osm message, asking if he is aware of any recent issues.

Update: now ESET changed its assessment of into "clean" - see

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answered 19 Aug '16, 21:06

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 08 Sep '16, 06:44

I can't tell why ESET thinks it is a malware site. We don't have any external scripts and don't have the interest to track the users. And because we don't have any commercial interests, I don't care too much if some users are blocked by their anti-malware software - as long as there is no issue...

Is it possible to get a more detailed report by ESET somehow?

The only possible issue could be our Let's Encrypt SSL certificate.

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answered 19 Aug '16, 22:13

derstefan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

in principle it could be that someone hacked into your server and injected malicious code into your html and js files. But as long as only ESET thinks there is some (whatever "Malware") problem, I would not be too concerned about this.

(19 Aug '16, 23:23) aseerel4c26 ♦

Hello aseerel4c26 and derstefan, thx for your hints.

Is it possible to get a more detailed report by ESET somehow?

No, I have no more detailed informations reported by eset. What I did: I changed my local eset configuration. The IP of will never checked by my local eset.

Josef alias osmwichtel

---Problem solved---

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answered 20 Aug '16, 10:09

osmwichtel's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 19 Aug '16, 19:15

question was seen: 3,546 times

last updated: 08 Sep '16, 06:48

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