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How Can i Draw Route between Two Places or two lat-long using open layer in Openstreetmap.

asked 17 Aug '16, 08:49

Jatin%20Patel's gravatar image

Jatin Patel
accept rate: 0%

Please clarify. What kind of route do you want? Do you want (a) the user to manually draw a route on the map? (b) the developer of the application/web site to draw a particular route on the map? (c) the user of the web site to determine a start and destination and then a routing engine find the roads to travel to get from A to B?

(17 Aug '16, 08:54) Frederik Ramm ♦

(c) the user of the web site to determine a start and destination and then a routing engine find the roads to travel to get from A to B

(17 Aug '16, 10:47) Jatin Patel

You can use OSRM as a back-end routing engine. If OSRM doesn't fit your needs (although seems as though it does) you can check out other routing engines on the Wiki page.

permanent link

answered 17 Aug '16, 13:00

JamesGould's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

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question asked: 17 Aug '16, 08:49

question was seen: 8,178 times

last updated: 02 Dec '19, 16:23

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