While inserting the *.osc file with osm2pgsql, I am using --expire-tiles option to output the expired tiles with --append mode. What I have observed if only tag name is changed or added then that tile is not in the expired tile list. Is it the correct observation or am I doing something wrong? Here is the command that I am using:
How to overcome this issue, I want all the tiles where labels have changed or added. |
Could you supply us with the complete command line you are using?
No idea if it's related, but I did have to make a minor change to openstreetmap-tiles-update-expire to get tile expiry to work properly for me. See https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/mod_tile/commit/0e74c67a75f042faf99ac81a14f4a665f467f3d5#diff-c4481b5ad3192fd03c13bffec4a8c368 and search for "Previously openstreetmap-tiles-update-expire tried to dirty". Other changes in that commit (make it cronable, use Zverik's trim_osc.py) shouldn't be relevant.
I added the full command, I am not using the mod_tiles.
Is there any other tool to find out the expired tiles with respect to *.osc file?