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I'm referring to roads that cannot be associated with either of the roads being linked. If highway=residential_link was a tag it would fit. If I tag it "highway=service" the routers will ignore it. If I tag it highway=residential, JOSM validation and the QC tools will nag me for a name. I've been using (highway=residential + noname=yes) or highway=unclassified.

asked 15 Aug '16, 10:06

Alan01730's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

  • Could you give us a link to the road in question?
  • Road classification is not always black-or-white. Is there perhaps some useful guidance in the country-specific tagging guidelines?
(15 Aug '16, 10:20) Lightsider
1 Disregard the current tagging but this is the type of way I want to tag correctly

(15 Aug '16, 11:27) Alan01730

Looks like a regular residential road to me and not like a service road.

(17 Aug '16, 07:34) scai ♦

If I tag it highway=service the routers will ignore it

Really? Surely it depends on the router? If highway=service is the correct tag, then use that.

If I tag it highway=residential, JOSM validation and the QC tools will nag me for a name. I

JOSM validator and other QA tools aren't 100% accurate. It's very hard to write rules that apply 100% to one country, let alone the rest of the world! If the tagging is correct (e.g. there is no name), then that's the tagging. Just ignore the validator. It's a false positive.

permanent link

answered 15 Aug '16, 10:51

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%


Good idea to retain the tag 'noname=yes' - it might keep QA tools happy but, perhaps more importantly, it will save other mappers spending time trying to confirm whether or not a name exists.

(16 Aug '16, 22:46) NZGraham

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question asked: 15 Aug '16, 10:06

question was seen: 3,004 times

last updated: 17 Aug '16, 07:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum