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This is purely personal project to map the location of a large number of meditation centres.

Currently, I am only working in Wikimapia and Google MapMaker and adding OSM is a worthy but non trivial goal. To get this data input right, I want to find an OSM 'old hand' in the UK who I can sit down with, or work online with, in order to understand how the specifics of my data can be added to fit OSM standards.

To do this by trial and error or 'just ask in the forum' will not work so, anyone interested? I envisage maybe a couple of hours of your time. Even though it is a personal project, I would be more than happy to pay someone or make a suitable contribution to OSM funds.


asked 12 Aug '16, 05:49

MarkdotT's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Aug '16, 12:44

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Can you give a hint about the area you're located in - just in case someone local is willing to sit down with you over a beverage.

(12 Aug '16, 08:53) Frederik Ramm ♦

Good point Frederik!

I am in China right now but I will be back in the UK in October. I live near Lincoln in the UK but I could travel to anywhere in the UK to meet up.

(12 Aug '16, 08:59) MarkdotT

When you are back in the UK the nearest meetup will be the monthly East Midlands one which is in nottingham or Derby.

We will be happy to discuss it with you at one of those.

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answered 13 Aug '16, 16:32

Rovastar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0% has some info, and the next one is next week: "Tuesday 23rd August Derby 19:30. Old Silk Mill" (that's ). It's very near the bus station and not far from the railway station.

(15 Aug '16, 12:56) SomeoneElse ♦

Just to add to Rovastar's invitation, yes we'd love to see in Derby or if that's a little too far in Nottingham in later on!

(15 Aug '16, 15:35) SK53 ♦

This seems like an import to me, so a good place to start would be to read

Some important points

  • where did you get the data from and under which license are they available ?
  • do you the quality of the data ? OpenStreetMap is not a place to dump all kinds of geo data, we prefer locally surveyed data over (out-of-date) data from governments, NGOs, companies, etc.
  • How was the data collected ? We do not allow data that got georeferenced via e.g. Google

Perhaps http://umap, is a better solution for your purpose. You can add any layer there with your own data, but then of course the data is not in the OpenStreetMap database.

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answered 12 Aug '16, 07:24

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

edited 12 Aug '16, 09:08

Your response raises some interesting questions, so thank you for that.

  • Currently, the data is just point data, that is, location only, not buildings (though some boundary data has been collected). The location data is Longitude and Latitude of the entrance to the facility plus the main building or, failing that, the centre of the complex.

  • The point data has been collected in many cases by me physically going to that place. Yet more is supplied by the facility itself or by someone who has gone there on my behalf and the precise long/lat may well have been corroborated using Google Maps/Earth. Very rarely, the data has come from plans of the location in question.

  • I am well on with managing the data in Wikimapia and Google Maps so I have no need to create a non public layer for my own purposes. My goal was to contribute to the OSM base data but it is always possible that the OSM does not want the data on offer.

  • A secondary purpose of my trying to get to grips with OSM is to help improve the data relevant to my own project which already exists in OSM. Take <51.93673, -2.717365> for example. There are many small mistakes that I could correct but it requires that I understand not just the editing tools (most of which I am familiar with) but the OSM organisational hierarchy. In this example, there are in fact 2 distinct facilities neither of which bear the overall label give to the top level grouping that has been created. The actual names of these facilities have been assigned to individual buildings rather than to groups of buildings. So, although these two facilities are related, it would better describe the reality on the ground to show them as 2 separate entities which share a common entrance. I mention all this just as an example of this secondary purpose.

So, I am left with 2 questions. Does OSM want the location only data I have and does it want more nuance added to some of the data it already has?

(12 Aug '16, 08:51) MarkdotT

If it's surveyed data, great ! That's more than welcome. The "small" amount from plans might violate the license.

You might have a chat with the person that last modified so see how he/she came to the current representation and how it can be improved with your findings. OSM is not just map data, it is community, so talking/writing to previous mappers is important.

Furthermore such campusses might be represented in different ways, which all can be correct. I hope some of the UK members will participate here (or you could go to the UK mailing list), as the Vipassana Meditation Centre (see way above) was mapped as part of the UK school quarterly project.

(12 Aug '16, 09:05) escada

First let me thank you for your helpful ideas.

When I say 'plans' I mean the plans of the facilities that the managing organisation itself owns, that is, their own building plans.

You hit on another core issue which is that the facility in question is not a school at all. Admittedly, you do learn something there but then you can learn something in prison but that does not make it a school and certainly not a Further Education College (that's the best analogy I could come up with on the spur of the moment).

I will certainly contact its creators. Another good tip.

(12 Aug '16, 09:22) MarkdotT

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question asked: 12 Aug '16, 05:49

question was seen: 2,886 times

last updated: 15 Aug '16, 15:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum