This is not a mapping question per se, but answers will help me plan and coordinate mtb rides with others better -- which is the primary means I currently use to gather mapping data for enhancing OSM. I currently use to plan mtb rides. The site allows me to draw a planned route for our ride, and then get a .gpx file containing the route, which I then upload to my gps. My "route" shows up on my gps (Garmin 60Cx) as a "track", so I use Garmin's TrackBack feature to follow the planned route for the ride. After the ride, I use the trace generated by the ride ("follow road" was turned off, of course) to do mapping at OSM. It all works great. However, after getting the .gpx from the website, but before uploading it to my gps, I would like to edit the .gpx file (in as automated a fashion as possible) to add named waypoints along the planned track -- i.e., "mile marker" points. (I don't want to create them during the ride; I want them to already be present along the track that I will be following during the ride.) These mile-marker points will facilitate communication among those of us using the route. I would like the points to show up on the gps, and also on printed maps if possible. It would like to be able to specify: the distance interval between the points along the route (e.g., 1 mile, 1/2 mile, 1/4 mile, etc.), and a text prefix (e.g., "x" to get the points created as: x001, x002, x003, etc.). The points would be added as a sequence of numbered points -- the prefix plus sequential integers would be nice. However, I don't want the mile-marker points to be named using only numbers, since that is how my gps auto-names new waypoints that I create during the ride -- it would be confusing. I use use a computer running MS Windows. Thank you very much for any answers, pointers to OSM wiki pages or advice! |
I used TOPO! to create a route (traced imported route first) then selected the option to create waypoint every N times - spaced evenly. |
You could do most of this using GPSBabel. You can use a transform filter in GPSBabel to convert from a track to a series of waypoints. Note this will create a waypoint for every trackpoint, which for a detailed track is probably more than you want. You could first use a simplify filter or position filter to reduce the number of points. Also, this will name the waypoints as WPT001, WPT002 etc, I don't know if there's any way in GPSBabel to change this prefix. But you could output in GPX format, then just use a text editor to change the prefix for all of the waypoints if you want. Thank you for the reply, and I will look into GPSBabel further. However, what I am seeking is to leave the track as-is, and add the named waypoints along the track, at user defined intervals. I don't see that in the GPSBabel manual (yet). (Anyone have any ideas?)
(12 May '11, 21:02)
Once you've got your track-converted-to-waypoints-and-simplified (and your original track) you could just conbine the two in a text editor to get a GPX with both in. If you're unsure of the format, have a look at this one: (that just happened to be the most recent public GPX trace with both waypoints and trackpoints in it at the time of writing this)
(13 May '11, 00:15)
SomeoneElse ♦