I have my offline map tiles on the android device here, they are already unzipped:
and I have set the OSM cache like so:
I then set up the TileSource:
and the TileProvider:
I have set
and I get a load of Tile doesn't exist messages. Any suggestions gratefully received! Thanks. |
This is answered over on StackOverflow here: answered 22 Aug '16, 12:23 Nome |
It would help if you could like to what Android software you're using to do this.
I'm guessing osmdroid based on https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=new+XYTileSource&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:unofficial&client=seamonkey-a&gws_rd=cr , but it'd be nice to clarify.
Yep, sorry it's osmdroid.