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I have started to update the province and county boundaries of our country. I don't know what is the standard approach for tagging the way segments which are used in different relations. I have read in this page we have to tag the ways with only boundary=administrative and admin_level=* tags without any name tags.

If a way is part of different boundary relations with different admin_level tag in each one, which level should be chosen for the way itself?

In my case I have a way segment which is used in admin_level=2 (for country border relation) , used in another relation with admin_level=4 (for province relation) and also used in a county relation which is admin_level=6. now how should I tag the way?

asked 07 Aug '16, 07:31

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Adib Yz
accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Aug '16, 09:10

Generally if the boundaries are mapped by relations then there is no need for boundary=administrative or admin_level tags on the individual ways. In many cases such tags have been left from a legacy of earlier tagging approaches.

It is useful to have some sort of tag on the ways to help other people who might be editing in their vicinity. Not everyone notices that untagged ways are part of boundary relations. Options might be a note, description or source tag; or possibly boundary=administrative without associated admin_level tags (although this will probably generate validation errors, and thus may be counter-productive).

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answered 07 Aug '16, 11:25

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

Oh, I've always been adding boundary=administrative + admin_level=* , where * = the highest level of boundary using the line (so the lowest number). The French rendering style does take this tag on a way in account: see e.g. 14/-10.8555/-75.2220 . It's probably redundant as you say.

(08 Aug '16, 09:20) joost schouppe

Highest level boundary admin_level is still in the wiki as recommended practice, then is followed by a paragraph saying they are optional. Tagging the ways is a historical leftover to get them to render but is no longer required, if I remember correctly.

(08 Aug '16, 09:46) EdLoach ♦

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question asked: 07 Aug '16, 07:31

question was seen: 2,995 times

last updated: 08 Aug '16, 09:47

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