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How do I mark-up a road where it is legal to drive anywhere on it, while it is not allowed to drive its full length without a significant stop?

The term in Norwegian is "Gjennomkjøring forbudt". Google translation of that is "No thoroughfare", but I'm not sure that is the exact meaning. If your GPS routes you through a road with "Gjennomkjøring forbudt" in Norway, the fine can be heavy.

asked 04 Aug '16, 10:28

Styrheim's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Note that in Norway such roads are normally indicated by the "no motor vehicles" sign -- link text -- at each end, together with the supplementary plate "Gjeller gjennomkjøring" (= applies to through traffic).

(05 Jul '18, 10:43) urViator

@urViator the question is from 2016 and yes in most European countries the signing is similar.

(05 Jul '18, 10:55) SimonPoole ♦

This sounds like the destination value for the access keys. Depending on the actual sign you should either use vehicle=destination (which would even forbid through-traffic for bicycles) or motor_vehicle=destination.

According to the wiki the value destination is defined as:

Only when travelling to this element/area, i.e. local traffic only. NOTE: This restriction often only applies to certain modes of transportation (e.g. only to vehicles). Take care to use the right transport mode restriction, e.g. vehicle=destination when only vehicle traffic is restricted.

English: "no thru traffic" / "local traffic only" (USA), Dutch: "bestemmingsverkeer/uitgezonderd plaatselijk verkeer (Flanders/Belgium)", German: "Anlieger frei"/"ausgenommen Anrainerverkehr" (Austria), French "Interdit sauf riverains/excepté circulation locale (Wallonie/Belgium)"

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answered 04 Aug '16, 12:06

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 04 Aug '16, 10:28

question was seen: 2,827 times

last updated: 05 Jul '18, 10:55

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