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Hi, I am totally new to OSM and would like to know if OSM will be able do to the following:

Export a list of all streets (or building/house)in a certain town that contains a specific number/housenumber. For example no 88.

If it is possible, how do I do that?

I am searching for a specific building in a photograph. The building number is visible so that's all I got.

Thanks for any help!

asked 03 Aug '16, 14:06

fivefootnine's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Overpass Turbo would work well for doing what you want. You can move the map pane to the relevant area, use the wizard and simply enter...


...and run the query to search for objects in the current view with that house number. If you want it limited to a specific area rather than just the visible area, you could do something like

addr:housenumber=88 in "Paris, France"

Keep in mind that not all town boundaries are mapped, so the search using the visible area might be the most reliable.

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answered 03 Aug '16, 17:03

alester's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%


Another thing to watch out for is that the housenumbers may not be present in OpenStreetMap. Some areas do have good address coverage, but there are many areas with few or no addresses at all.

(03 Aug '16, 17:14) maxerickson

This approach also has some shortcomings with interpolated address schemas. A nominatim based query would probably be more to the point. Anyone volunteering to provide one?

(05 Aug '16, 12:34) mmd

Hi, theres a litlle trick, read these pages and use Overpass turbo to handle the OSM database. And make your selektion

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answered 03 Aug '16, 16:11

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 03 Aug '16, 14:06

question was seen: 3,849 times

last updated: 05 Aug '16, 12:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum