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Hello, I'm trying to add this server to iD, but I can't get it working. Can someone help me? In JOSM I can add this as a WMS server I want to add in iD to some beginner user who wants to map.

Looks like there is also a TMS server here: Looking in the code I found trying to add in JOSM like this: tms:{z}/{x}/{y}.png But nothing appears.

The WMS layer is ok in JOSM.

And I don't know how to make it work with the whoots service, maybe an alternative. Thanks.

asked 03 Aug '16, 00:48

erickdeoliveiraleal's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Aug '16, 01:06


a (legal) side-question: are you sure that we are allowed to use this aerial imagery for mapping? It is not listed at Potential_Datasources#Brazil.

(03 Aug '16, 08:16) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 03 Aug '16, 00:48

question was seen: 2,108 times

last updated: 03 Aug '16, 08:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum