I was looking to make add the name of the Scottish island of "Skye" as it currently does not have a name label. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to go about making that kind of edit, the map editor seems to be focused on specific points of interest rather than broad labels. The issue is basically that the island of Skye on the Scottish west coast does not get a label of "Skye" whereas other islands such as Mull, Islay, Arran etc all have specific labels. Is this something that I can specifically request to be added? It didn't seem like there was a way to edit / add broader labels like that. Here's a link to the island of Skye on OSM: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=57.3954&mlon=-6.2485#map=10/57.3954/-6.2485 |
It's a very good question. My guess is that it's related to the fact that Skye is a "multipoligon" (consisting of a number of islands). http://osmlab.github.io/osm-deep-history/#/relation/544726 shows the history of that. There was also a node, http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/269271354/history , but that got removed a few months back. Mull etc. have nodes. I suspect that the reason why you're seeing a label "Mull" not "Skye" on the standard map style is because that isn't rendering "place=island"s as multipolygons in the same way as nodes. You can see, however, that the name appears in some places, such as here - just not where you would expect it. Here is where "place=island" has been raised as an issue with the "standard" map rendering. Maybe that's the problem, but maybe it doesn't make sense to have the name of a "place=island" multipolygon rendered at all? I genuinely don't know the answer to that - that's why I said "It's a very good question" at the top :) What I'd suggest is that someone (preferably someone local) has a look at how the other nearby islands are mapped, and if it makes sense to re-add the Skye node based on that, to add it back where it was. I can see the logic for cities having a node signifying a centre as well as a relation (cities have obvious centres), but it's less clear for somewhere like Skye. If it doesn't make sense to re-add the node, try and ask via https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues why it doesn't appear. Thanks for your reply, I can see that it's not such a straightforward issue. I'm working on a web project with a client on Skye so I'll see if they're keen on looking into this further.
(04 Aug '16, 10:19)
Rick Curran
If it's for a client presumably they could create their own rendering (or use a different existing one) with the name as big as they like?
(04 Aug '16, 10:26)
SomeoneElse ♦
Hi Rick, could you make and add a link ? Just to be sure were looking at the same spot ?
No problem, edited and added a link.