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Is it possible to export a single road? If so, how? I am able to successfully export all roads for a given area, but I would rather do 1 road at a time. Please let me know and thank you in advance!

asked 28 Jul '16, 21:43

TonesJones's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Do you have a specific reason for downloading roads one by one? Usually it more efficient to fetch multiple roads in one go, rather than downloading them one by one (assuming you want to download all roads in an area anyway and your area is not too large).

(30 Jul '16, 18:47) mmd

You can also download multiple objects in one go using their id rather than using a bounding box.

(02 Aug '16, 10:11) Vincent de P... ♦

You can fetch elements by id using Overpass API:

The simplest script to retrieve a way would be something like this:

out geom;

Here's that query in Overpass Turbo, an IDE for Overpass API:

You can use it to experiment and see if Overpass is suitable for your needs. Once you have your query worked out, you can fetch the ways directly from Overpass API.

permanent link

answered 28 Jul '16, 22:09

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

(29 Jul '16, 07:55) scai ♦

Remember that one "road" in everyday speech can be made of multiple "ways" in OSM data. Overpass could help downloading all ways of one "road" but you'll have to tweak the query on a case by case basis.

(02 Aug '16, 10:07) Vincent de P... ♦

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question asked: 28 Jul '16, 21:43

question was seen: 4,924 times

last updated: 02 Aug '16, 10:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum