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How would you name tag streets inside a camp site? As I understand the correct classification would of course be highway=service and some camp sites I know use internal street names for easier navigation among its guest. However, those roads are not public and their names are obviously not assigned by any authority. Is it therefore correct to use the name tag with the internal names or will this lead to incorrect results by some applications (e.g. Nomimati!)

asked 26 Jul '16, 13:05

tauba's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


In Kiev we also have the GorodOK mall near Petrivka which also uses street names inside it, which is quite peculiar(I mean the address for some boutique is e.g. Malynova, 12

(28 Jul '16, 10:04) Ukraroad

There is no need for the name to be officially assigned - just that it is used in terrain. See : if there's a sign with a name, add the name in OSM.

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answered 26 Jul '16, 13:11

Piskvor's gravatar image

accept rate: 37%

(on a side note, I would specify the type - service=alley, or whatever it is - this should help to de-prioritize searches for more-used highways with the same name, if that's your worry)

(26 Jul '16, 13:14) Piskvor

I think this might be an example (with static caravans and/or chalets, and highway=service/service=driveway tags):

(26 Jul '16, 16:03) EdLoach ♦

I would also use access=customers key on the roads as well.

(26 Jul '16, 23:19) Longhorn256

Names don't have to be officially assigned. The name tag is for whatever is the actual name.

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answered 28 Jul '16, 15:01

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%


Yet the name tag should not be abused for descriptions or similar things. See name is the name only.

(28 Jul '16, 15:20) scai ♦

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question asked: 26 Jul '16, 13:05

question was seen: 2,422 times

last updated: 28 Jul '16, 15:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum