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Hey everyone, I am currently doing some surveying and mapping in Peru. I have trouble mapping a particular square in a city called Juliaca. The issue: It serves both as a street and a square.

As you can see on a Satellite photo, the whole street is extremely wide, with low traffic levels. People are walking around and vendor stands are around, so that the function is an excellent example of public space usage, it repsresents multiple-purpose area. This area also has a particular name: At least in local knowledge it is known as "Laguna Temporal", and serves as a street-market on Sundays.

The question is, how to map this best:
1)Specify a street width so that renderers know how to represent the area?
2) Add an area to the streets?
3) Replace the streets with an area (I wouldn't think this is a good approach, but it might be one option)
4) ?

I am happy for a discussion! Happy Mapping.

asked 23 Jul '16, 04:32

rabon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Is it a market area or parking area or maybe both,

(23 Jul '16, 14:03) andy mackey

Hi Rabon, like Andy stated map it as market or parking. I would go for a way in the middle like it is now and make a choice for amenity=parking or market both won’t do since its amenity=marketplace as well. Or tag it as market / parking on different days alongside the way. Or market – left and parking - right. Several options, but you’re the local and now best what’s happening and when.

permanent link

answered 23 Jul '16, 23:27

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Thank you, this sounds like the best feasible option.

(24 Jul '16, 16:12) rabon

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question asked: 23 Jul '16, 04:32

question was seen: 2,335 times

last updated: 24 Jul '16, 16:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum