There are multiple river banks/strands in Prague, with permanently moored ships. Onboard those ships are various amenities (restaurants, pubs, hostels/hotels, a theatre, etc.). However, only the amenities are currently mapped, which leads to misunderstandings ("Pub in the river? How unlikely, let's armchair-move it over to the strand."). I would like to map those ships - they have been there for years, there is no intent to move them, and are even incapable of moving elsewhere. From a pedestrian POV, they are essentially a connected set of So, what is a good combination of tags for such floating almost-buildings? |
Hi Piskvor, use building=houseboat and add sufficient taggs to specify the use of it. see link 1
Thank you, that looks better :) The wiki page says "a boat ... to be used primarily as a home", though. Well, those ships are a kind of a house-boat, just not for residing in; that's close enough, I think.
(21 Jul '16, 17:51)
Hi just another example, but we dont have a lot of them although I did expect we did. All boats used to live on get the same official tag, houseboat
(21 Jul '16, 21:47)
Okay then - I'll map as houseboats. Thanks again!
(25 Jul '16, 09:58)
building=houseboat wouldn't make sense for a restaurant, pub, theatre, etc. It would be better to use something that more accurately describes the vessel like building=barge or building=ship, along with floating=yes.
(25 Jul '16, 16:44)
Alester there even not hat much floating restaurants not even here and the few where tagged as is.
(25 Jul '16, 16:58)
@Hendrikklaas: Piskvor's original question was about ships with "restaurants, pubs, hostels/hotels, a theatre, etc.". Regardless of how uncommon they may be, tagging such ships as a houseboat would be wildly inaccurate.
(25 Jul '16, 17:11)
To be honest, very few of the ships concerned here are intended for living in: there are a few botels, but the rest are "usual" amenities - except on boats, I estimate about 30-40 of them in all. (This may be a side effect of a loophole in the city zoning regulations, which explicitly permit free mooring, but say nothing about business on the boats: hard to open up shop onshore, so shops sprout up "offshore", quite literally ;))
(26 Jul '16, 14:39)
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