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Is there a tag that we can use for naming an intersection(Crossroad)? Usually in Iran every intersection has a name which is not necessarily related to the streets that create that intersection. I have seen in some countries they add a node in center of intersection and tag it with place=locality and give it a name tag too, is it the correct way?


asked 19 Jul '16, 15:03

Adib%20Yz's gravatar image

Adib Yz
accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Jul '16, 15:04

What about the second question? Is it wrong to add a place=locality tag to the central node of intersection? I know what is the use of locality tag (for known unpopulated areas) but since I have seen an experienced mapper has used it in our city, I just want to be clear about it.

(19 Jul '16, 16:59) Adib Yz

If the locality took it's title from the same named road junction and was locally referred by this name, I would still put the place=locality on a separate node displaced a 100m or so from the intersection in a spot where it doesn't obscure other important map info. There are probably a few famous named junctions where the locality tag on the junction can be considered appropriate too.

(20 Jul '16, 14:59) nevw

@nevw: displacing seems to be "Tagging for the renderer". Please do not do it. Displacing labels or symbols is the renderer's job (if wished for a specific map).

(20 Jul '16, 21:14) aseerel4c26 ♦

An intersection node can have junction=yes plus name=*
Not sure how a complex junction could be named except by creating relation of the road junctions and naming the relation.
Roundabouts can be named too. I would be surprised if the names are rendered on the standard map.

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answered 19 Jul '16, 15:26

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 19 Jul '16, 15:30


Named junctions show-up in the main style (Carto-CSS)

(19 Jul '16, 15:41) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 19 Jul '16, 15:03

question was seen: 3,448 times

last updated: 20 Jul '16, 21:14

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