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Hi! I'm using a php script to get node, way and rel from osm. This script use this url:

$url = '[out:json];(%20node%20[%22historic%22]%20('.$coo['min_lat'].','.$coo['min_lon'].','.$coo['max_lat'].','.$coo['max_lon'].');%20way%20[%22historic%22]%20('.$coo['min_lat'].','.$coo['min_lon'].','.$coo['max_lat'].','.$coo['max_lon'].');%20rel%20[%22historic%22]%20('.$coo['min_lat'].','.$coo['min_lon'].','.$coo['max_lat'].','.$coo['max_lon'].');%20);%20(._;%3E;);%20out;';

Now I would to add some tag and not only historic. Can I use a single url or have I to create a query for each tag I need? Thanks, Mk

asked 18 Jul '16, 11:18

bbg5ne's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Jul '16, 11:24

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

You can combine as many queries as you want in a union:

Here's an Overpass Turbo Wizard generated example:

Also, note the "raw data directly from Overpass API" option in the Export dialog. You can use Overpass Turbo to test out queries and then quickly get the query as a url.

permanent link

answered 18 Jul '16, 20:58

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

mmm ... ok so my $url become

        $url = '[out:json];('.

now, is it possibile so specify ('.$coo['min_lat'].','.$coo['min_lon'].','.$coo['max_lat'].','.$coo['max_lon'].') only time, maybe at the end url? Thanks!

(19 Jul '16, 14:31) bbg5ne

Yes, that's called Global bounding box and described here.

(19 Jul '16, 19:20) mmd

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question asked: 18 Jul '16, 11:18

question was seen: 3,826 times

last updated: 19 Jul '16, 19:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum