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Hi everyone,

I am currently working and living in rural Perú, and quite busy mapping the area as well. Towns here often feature open sewage channels in the middle of residential roads. I haven't found how to map this. It seems to be an important feature to me, last but not least because there is a chance of overflowing in case of heavy rain...

Any ideas? Cheers!

edit: I am considering waterway=ditch now

It looks roughly like this:

__ One-directional "lane" for all sorts of traffic (peds, cars, bikes, chicken..)
--- Open sewage channel [~1m wide], fed from. Culverts in intersections
One-directional "lane" for all sorts of traffic (peds, cars, bikes, chicken..)

asked 17 Jul '16, 20:26

rabon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Jul '16, 20:35

Hi rabon, use waterway=drain for the smallest and lined waterway being a neither canal nor river. Use natural=water and water=sewage as well to make clear that the water is not clear. The ditches you’re mentioned are not lined as I expect the sewage drains are. Otherwise the streets should or could be wasted by the next water flow.

permanent link

answered 17 Jul '16, 22:17

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Makes sense, thank you!

(17 Jul '16, 22:35) rabon

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question asked: 17 Jul '16, 20:26

question was seen: 3,351 times

last updated: 17 Jul '16, 22:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum