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Hello, there.

I'm interested in mapping data along the road when my wife drives, but that would require downloading data along the road as she crosses it. Is there a possibility to configure JOSM to read data from a receiver to

  1. continuously download OSM and imagery data along the road;
  2. use this data to draw a way on-demand — when the GPS accuracy is adequate —, way which will be tagged on the fly using what I see through the windscreen.

I assume I could program these functionalities in a custom plugin that I would open-source in the end, but I currently don't have the required knowledge of its internals and my Java is really rusted, so having these functionalities already coded, even partly, would be greatly time-saving.

Awaiting your answers,


asked 16 Jul '16, 09:14

Penegal's gravatar image

accept rate: 0% lists

  • LiveGPS (displays your current position, a trace of your past positions and centres the map on the current positon)
  • Surveyor (allows to enter text notes and tag presets directly on new OSM node objects)
  • continuosDownload ("download OSM data for you current viewing area when you are zooming and paning around")

I think you would rather not want to have a way's geometry to be based on raw GPS data. Manual way creation based on a trace is not that much work and eliminates zig zags due to bad GPS reception. But I guess those plugins could a good start for programming such functionality. Maybe some bits are possible with the scripting plugin.

I would make notes and/or photos or videos and record a gps trace and do the editing afterwards at home (possibly with aerial imagery support).

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answered 16 Jul '16, 09:58

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 16 Jul '16, 09:59

Seems a good start to me, thanks.

Regarding drawing the way, I would use it to do a first try, and then refine it with imagery at home; besides, here in France, not much roads are missing in OSM.

This question is to help me about an idea I had: having a screen showing me the different signs I can encounter, and apply them on the current way if not already tagged accordingly. I'll have to code something to allow JOSM to guess which way I'm following in order to select it to apply the tag updates, or to ask me to select the way if my code is unable to guess it. Then, it would check if the data I want to add is already present and, if not, cut and tag the way accordingly. When in doubt, or if according tags are already present around the current position, the program would ask what to do, and I would manually check the data once at home. In addition, I could permanently compare the GPS receiver data with the one integrated in my car, the imagery and my vision, and correct offset much better combining these 4 sources than mapping later at home.

(16 Jul '16, 11:01) Penegal

Most of this will not work automagically. For cutting the way you will have to choose a proper position, e.g. an intersection, a crossing, a narrow part. Determining this position automatically is a challenge. Also correcting the offset shouldn't be automated. You never know whether your signal is really better than previously uploaded traces or imagery. This can only be done manually to be really useful. This applies to lots of things in OSM (at least as of today).

(16 Jul '16, 12:14) scai ♦

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question asked: 16 Jul '16, 09:14

question was seen: 5,817 times

last updated: 16 Jul '16, 12:14

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