The wiki page for So, how does |
A friend of mine works for a local university. One of his job is to ensure that rooms for lectures etc. are distributed sensibly among competing requirements (a popular course gets a bigger room, because more people turn up and a less popular course a smaller one, even though the same number of students might be enrolled). I suspect that the intention of this tag was that, if mapped separately, the building he works in would be an "office=educational_institution" and the building with the rooms he books would be part of an "office=university". However, looking at usage locally, it actually seems to be used as a bit of a catch-all for where other tags might not fit. For personal rendering purposes I just dumped it in a "nonspecific offices" category. Also be aware of potential issus tagging non-campus and multi-site institutions. There's a local discussion of that here and here. While Cambridge is a bit of an exception where university tagging is concerned, multi-site institutions abound and so you won't get a one-to-one mapping of amenity=university to "real world university". Right, thanks for the info. So this seems to be a rather specific tag, but iD ignores the
(12 Jul '16, 11:53)
For iD translation, see the answer to this question: iD also uses keywords (such as shop brand names) to suggest tags. The github repository is - probably more info there.
(12 Jul '16, 12:37)
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