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Is there any kind of email service that would alert me if any of my edits get changed or deleted?

asked 12 Jul '16, 10:04

mapping%20man's gravatar image

mapping man
accept rate: 0%


EdLoach has already given an answer, I just want to point out that OSM is a collaborative project and you do not "own" the data you submit and an important part of the development of OSM is that existing data gets improved, edited and deleted.

(12 Jul '16, 11:33) SimonPoole ♦

There are a number of Monitoring Tools you can use. I have an RSS feed from WhoDidIt and another from ITO World OSM Mapper. Looking at your edit history, you might want to cover Milton Keynes and Hemel Hempstead as separate feeds, rather than use one large area (the area I watch is roughly the Tendring district of Essex).

These aren't emails as such, but as my rss feed reader is in the same program as my email reader (Microsoft Outlook) I receive and read them in the same manner.

permanent link

answered 12 Jul '16, 11:19

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

edited 12 Jul '16, 11:20

Thanks EdLoach, i'll have a look at some of the sites listed on the wiki, specifically the ones you mention. If they work for you then they may work for me.

SimonPoole, I totally understand that I don't own any of the data that I submit and that future edits can improve upon the data. That said however, I did have one instance of a road leading to a car park, that I added, being deleted. I didn't notice for ages. That's why I was wondering if there were some kind of alert so that the error could have been corrected quicker.

(12 Jul '16, 23:08) mapping man

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question asked: 12 Jul '16, 10:04

question was seen: 2,879 times

last updated: 13 Dec '19, 23:15

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