I am trying to create bus routes and have been having some trouble. I created multiple bus route relations and have been clicking on each way to add them to the relation (which is in turn connected to a master route). Typically this is easy as the desired relation appears in the drop-down box when I click the "+" button under "relations." Occasionally, however, the desired relation does not appear and I am left unable to connect the way to the relation. Can anyone help me figure out how to either find my desired relation outside of the drop-down box or add ways to relations in another fashion? |
You didn't mention which editor you are using, but I suspect that it is iD (the default browser based editor). iD will only display relations that have a member in the current view, so you either need to work starting at such a member or use JOSM or P2 for now. Thanks! I switched to the JOSM editor so that I can add ways directly to the relations.
(12 Jul '16, 14:45)
Justin Rasmu...