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I'm trying to export a route from openstreetmap, as I'm writing an article for a cycling company in Majorca. I can see how to select a specific area on the map, but can't work out how to select a route and also create a cross section of the altitude of the route. (like this: I have little coding knowledge, so if there's a simple way to create this using the info already in openstreetmap that would be great. Thanks

asked 11 Jul '16, 15:29

ClaireY's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Jul '16, 15:35

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks Piskvor - that's really helpful. I'm embedding maps into a website for users to view. So I think graphhopper is the ideal solution. thanks:-)

(11 Jul '16, 16:33) ClaireY

Are you trying to do this as a user, or make a website which calculates this for users?

Is this what you're trying to get?

If doing this as a developer: elevation is not really a part of the OSM data. However, there are projects combining various free sources (OSM for maps and SRTM for elevation). Some of them are specifically geared towards cycle routing, such as (code is at )

Apparently Graphhopper also makes this possible:

permanent link

answered 18 Jul '16, 07:55

Piskvor's gravatar image

accept rate: 37%

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question asked: 11 Jul '16, 15:29

question was seen: 3,812 times

last updated: 26 Feb '19, 07:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum