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I am trying to set up the French OSM style, based on the source code is on cquest's github osmfr-carto. I have imported a small country OSM extract with --hstore.

Lots of SQL queries in this project depend on a SQL table called params, but it is not included, or created anywhere, and it is not documented.

Does anyone know what this table structure should be like, and what values should be in it? The queries look for several values buffer, x_bleed and y_bleed.

asked 11 Jul '16, 10:54

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

These 2 parameters are used to set the rendering buffer around the metatiles and the "bleed" parameter if you're using mapnik with the "bleed" patch.

This patch tells mapnik/renderd to generate rasters that a a bit larger than your metatile. It avoids many broken text on the edges.

With an unpatched mapnik/renderd:

  • buffer = 128
  • x_bleed = 0
  • y_bleed= 0

with the bleed patch, I'm using:

  • buffer=256
  • x_bleed=256
  • y_bleed=256

This is like rendering a 10x10 metatile, but keeping the 8x8 at the center.

permanent link

answered 11 Jul '16, 11:21

cquest's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

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question asked: 11 Jul '16, 10:54

question was seen: 2,669 times

last updated: 11 Jul '16, 11:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum