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Why OSM garmin map Arabic Names do not show all the names appear in English only The Arabic name in the name tag and the English name in name:en but it show english only one language only english

asked 09 Jul '16, 22:06

alhjres's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Jul '16, 09:54

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Which "OSM Garmin Map" are you using? There are many downloads available.

(10 Jul '16, 00:23) SomeoneElse ♦
(10 Jul '16, 01:18) alhjres

You can produce Garmin suitable maps using

In the documentation it states... --unicode This is equivalent to --code-page=65001. Note that only newer devices support Unicode. I believe this is suitable to display Arabic text.

I downloaded as an .osm file the above area and ran Mkgmap using the --unicode switch and on my Garmin etrex it appears to be displaying Arabic to me (though I can't read Arabic)

I suspect that the search function is probably unlikely to work with this unicode on the Garmin though but it reads ok.

Incidentally, there is still a place=town tag with name=Ghayl Ba Wazir on the osm area that you edited.

(this comment copied from and pasted here as this is more related question)

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answered 11 Jul '16, 08:53

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

(10 Jul '16, 13:00) nevw

Is this program, operating with Windows os

(11 Jul '16, 12:23) alhjres

mkgmap? Yes, it is based on Java. However it has no GUI and needs to be called from the command line.

(11 Jul '16, 12:30) scai ♦

It's Java and can run on Windows. I wrote a diary entry for a worked example (on Windows) here:

(11 Jul '16, 12:30) SomeoneElse ♦

ok I did it Arabic is display

(11 Jul '16, 15:23) alhjres

I use this java -jar mkgmap.jar --code-page=65001 yemen-latest.osm.pbf

(11 Jul '16, 15:47) alhjres
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

Hi Have a look here all those names look Arabic to me. Follow the same tagging protocol and your OSM garmin map should get Arabic as well.

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answered 09 Jul '16, 23:46

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


I dont mean in OSM maps I mean when I downloaded it as garmin map IMG maps just show one language english language only

(10 Jul '16, 01:42) alhjres

I notice that the maps are currently using osm data dated Map version: 30-06-2016.
See at bottom right corner of the blue map. This is likely to be before you edited the osm map. I think Lambertus updates his database about weekly so you may need to try later to see if the Garmin extracts are as you expect.

(10 Jul '16, 10:10) nevw

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question asked: 09 Jul '16, 22:06

question was seen: 4,566 times

last updated: 11 Jul '16, 16:22

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