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why is translate of Arabic names to English why dont leave like it alt text

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asked 09 Jul '16, 01:24

alhjres's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Jul '16, 07:59

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

(10 Jul '16, 10:02) nevw

meta: @alhjres: In general, please do not post your questions to several places (at least not without mentioning it and linking all places). That wastes help resources.

(12 Jul '16, 06:25) aseerel4c26 ♦

I am seeing all the names you edited appearing in what I assume to be Arabic on the osm.
It may take a bit longer for all the zoom levels to update to the latest osm data.

The people who supply the Garmin extracts of osm data will update their databases soon and those extracts will also show the Arabic names too I assume.
But others may be able to confirm that.

osm map

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answered 10 Jul '16, 09:58

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

I hope to show Arabic Names and will wait for the database updated

(10 Jul '16, 10:09) alhjres
(10 Jul '16, 13:01) nevw

You can produce Garmin suitable maps using

In the documentation it states...
--unicode This is equivalent to --code-page=65001. Note that only newer devices support Unicode.
I believe this is suitable to display Arabic text.

I downloaded as an .osm file the above area and ran Mkgmap using the --unicode switch and on my Garmin etrex it appears to be displaying Arabic to me (though I can't read Arabic)

I suspect that the search function is probably unlikely to work with this unicode on the Garmin though but it reads ok.

Incidentally, there is still a place=town tag with name=Ghayl Ba Wazir on the osm area that you edited.

(10 Jul '16, 14:54) nevw

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(11 Jul '16, 12:33) alhjres

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(11 Jul '16, 22:52) alhjres
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I understand now that its take the name English and showning it in Map . Map one language only show English Language does not show the Arabic Language My question Is it possible to unhide Arabic Language in Map

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answered 10 Jul '16, 07:06

alhjres's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There is no "translation". The data in OSM is wrong.

See the place node for Ghayl Ba Wazir. It only has a name tag in English whereas it should have it's local name in the name tag and the English name in name:en. See localization and multilingual names for more information.

The same applies to Al-ghail Main Street. It has the English name in the name tag and the Arabic name in name:ar. This is wrong since the Arabic name is the local name. Thus the Arabic name has to be in the name tag and the English name in name:en.

It would be nice if you or someone else could fix these issues in the OSM data. Also try to contact the user who did it wrong and tell him/her how names in OSM work by pointing at these wiki pages.

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answered 09 Jul '16, 07:57

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 09 Jul '16, 08:10

Ok I will do it and I will see in nexet IMG map

(09 Jul '16, 08:04) alhjres

I worked on the following changes Al-ghail Main Street

the Arabic name was the name tag and the English name in name:en.

Is that right

(09 Jul '16, 08:38) alhjres

Yes, looks good!

(09 Jul '16, 08:41) scai ♦

Will wait for another update and tells you from yemen map

(09 Jul '16, 08:51) alhjres

Thanks for the clarification

(09 Jul '16, 08:52) alhjres

scai ♦ Please Read This Avoid transliteration ( )

(09 Jul '16, 21:20) alhjres

I'm aware of this. Since I can't read Arabic I don't know if these English names are just transliterations. If so then please remove them.

(09 Jul '16, 22:28) scai ♦
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question asked: 09 Jul '16, 01:24

question was seen: 6,102 times

last updated: 12 Jul '16, 06:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum