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I have added a few stoplights following the idea of placing the node at the point where the cars stop. I just checked osmose and I'm getting warning 7090, node on ways; class 3.[]. I'm not really sure what this means but it sounds like the node is not on a road . One such node is . Ive tried to place the node in the center of road right over the white stop line that I can see from the satellite image. Ive also notices that this error comes up a lot all over the world. I'm just learning OSM so any help or guidance will be useful. Thanks

asked 08 Jul '16, 02:50

alpinekid's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Jul '16, 07:59

nevw's gravatar image



Note that in OSM there is a difference between "node on top of a road" and "note part of a road".

(08 Jul '16, 09:11) scai ♦

Not familiar with Id, but I think a single click will place a point on the map but you need to double-click to make the point join the line of the roadway. Then when you drag the node for the lights the road will move too, confirming it is joined correctly.

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answered 08 Jul '16, 08:14

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

Thanks, that was the clue I needed. It looks like I have attached the traffic light tags to a node that is part of the highway. Still dont see a change in osmose but I'm not sure how to tell when that program's analysis has been updated.

(12 Jul '16, 16:08) alpinekid

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question asked: 08 Jul '16, 02:50

question was seen: 2,552 times

last updated: 12 Jul '16, 16:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum