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Hi, I am trying to convert a .osm.pbf file into .shp file so that it could opened in ArcGIS 10.1 for network analysis.

I am following the steps as stated in openstreetmap wiki:

I am at the second dot: GDAL. I tried to put my file into the reader column of FME_Quick Translator (I was directed to here after downloaded GDAL 1.10), however there is no .osm.pbf format that I can choose. Do you have any idea which I should I put instead? Or some of my actions have gone wrong?

If I were to leave it blank ( letting the translator to read it automatically), then putting Esri Shapefile in the writer column and run it, error occurred: Value not specified for kDLG_ProjParmA1. Anyone has any idea what might be the reason?

Your help will be truly appreciated, thanks in advance!

asked 05 Jul '16, 13:09

Rachel%20Hoo's gravatar image

Rachel Hoo
accept rate: 0%

Why are you trying to use FME Quick Tranlator? The instructions you link to are for GDAL, more specifically the command line utility ogr2ogr. Did you install that program? Can you run it from the command line as instructred?

(05 Jul '16, 15:39) Frederik Ramm ♦

We can use ogr2ogr to convert .osm.pbf to .shp file

ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" -skip CGK.osm.shp CGK.osm.pbf

permanent link

answered 04 Apr '19, 10:25

howtobeahacker's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Apr '19, 10:25

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question asked: 05 Jul '16, 13:09

question was seen: 18,781 times

last updated: 04 Apr '19, 10:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum