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When rendering the main map the holes (islands with no specific content) in river and lake water objects are displayed in the land/light-grey colour. Are these holes rendered or we just see the background through the holes?

asked 03 Jul '16, 21:09

sanser's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


I guess this depends on the renderer and/or rendering setup. Some might choose to display water as background, some others might choose to display land by default.

(04 Jul '16, 07:39) scai ♦

if the water object is a multipolygon and the "islands" are set as inner objects, they will render. Note at higher zooms(12,13) it takes a lot longer to refresh on the main OSM map.

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answered 12 Jul '16, 13:30

LogicalViolinist's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 03 Jul '16, 21:09

question was seen: 3,119 times

last updated: 12 Jul '16, 13:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum