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Hi all,

I'm struggling a bit to make sense of the Language_Guide,

I assume the Language Guide is the first place people would look to learn? If that's correct, I'd like to edit the page a bit. Would somebody with experience be happy to validate, and answer questions if needed?


asked 02 Jul '16, 14:44

bjohas's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


If you don't want to edit that page directly, but instead want feedback on a version of it, you can always create a copy in your user area on the wiki and ask for feedback on that.

(02 Jul '16, 14:55) SomeoneElse ♦

Unfortunately, the Language Guide is somewhat dated and hasn't seen any substantial updates for a few Overpass versions now. For a full up-to-date coverage I highly recommend to consult the Overpass QL guide.

If you're unsure, check the Overpass QL page or use the discussion page. We'll keep an eye on your changes... :)

(02 Jul '16, 15:07) mmd

ok, thanks, I'll use the wiki pages, including talk pages. Thanks!

(02 Jul '16, 17:23) bjohas

I've done some work on However, there are some sections marked as 'stubs', where some input from others would be useful. These include how sets work. Also, is "out;" the same as "out body;" ?

(04 Jul '16, 18:31) bjohas

Also, is "out;" the same as "out body;" ?

yes, that's right.

However, there are some sections marked as 'stubs', where some input from others would be useful.

I believe ome of those stubs have been introduced by a user, who is now blocked on the wiki. If they don't make sense to you, just remove them.

I've done some work on

OK, great, thanks! It will probably take some time to review all changes... :)

(05 Jul '16, 08:29) mmd

Thanks, and thanks for looking at it!

(08 Jul '16, 10:28) bjohas
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question asked: 02 Jul '16, 14:44

question was seen: 2,101 times

last updated: 08 Jul '16, 10:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum