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How can I find out if an gmapsupp.img file is routable?

I have downloaded several .img files for installation on a Garmin Nuevi. I then put the .img file (always smaller than 4GB) in a Garmin subfolder on a micro SD card (4G, FAT32). After powering up the Nuevi, I only see the default map (that was included in the Nuevi), but NOT the OSM map. Some other times, using different *.img files from different sources, I sometimes see the OSM map after power up, but as soon as i try to enter an address, the Nuevi complained that "Map data is not available".

[Comments from howin added by SP]

1) When I am driving in a foreign country where I have no CELLULAR and no WiFi access, I am totally unable to find LONG/LAT coordinates. To find directions, humans use house numbers and street names, not complicated string of numbers. And while driving, I prefer to use a Garmin Nuevi for directions, and not a Windows laptop, thus no Basecamp here. 2) A map made for Basecamp is NOT the same map used for Garmin. They are based on the same OSM data but the data has been processed differently. If a map can be displayed in Basecamp, it does not mean that it can be displayed on a Garmin Nuevi. For Basecamp, it is an osm.EXE file, while for Garmin, it will be a gmapsupp.IMG file. 3) If the Nuevi cannot "see" the .IMG file, I cannot select it. The downloaded file has been previously correctly unzipped. I would like to know why the Nuevi cannot see it. 4) There should be a simple utility that shows if a *.IMG file is routable (i.e search by address). But this will require a deeper analysis of an IMG file. The search for a solution continues...

How I can check the quality of the .img file? Could I use a hex editor to screen the .img file? Thanks for your answer

asked 30 Jun '16, 04:17

howin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Jun '16, 13:27

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦

Note the OSM help site is not primarily a support site for Garmin devices, I would suggest posing the question on a suitable specialist forum.

(30 Jun '16, 13:29) SimonPoole ♦

I regularly display .img files that are not osm.exe files that are either on a micro sd or a memory stick and Basecamp will display them, Basecamp sees them as a device. If browsing the map, making a goto on the viewed map on the Garmin Nuvi does not work that's difficult. Could you ask someone at the destination for Lat Long. I can type in a lat lon on my nuvi as quickly as getting a address to work.

(02 Jul '16, 12:34) andy mackey

On some Nüvis maps should be stored in a folder called "Map" instead of "Garmin" on most devices. You can check for errors with Javawa Device Manager.

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answered 30 Jun '16, 16:07

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

You could try opening the img file it with Garmin Basecamp software to test it ( free download from garmin) Also you will need to find and select the map in the nuvi menus. A lot of osm on garmin files will also need unzipping with a prog such as 7zip. The address search probably wont work but going to a point or a lat long may. see

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answered 30 Jun '16, 11:22

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 30 Jun '16, 11:27

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question asked: 30 Jun '16, 04:17

question was seen: 4,030 times

last updated: 02 Jul '16, 12:35

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