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Hello Everyone,

I have an interesting issue that I don't seem to be able to resolve. I am currently using Ubuntu 11.04 and Firefox 4. A few months ago, however, under Ubuntu 10.10 and Firefox 3, Firefox suddenly began not showing all of the tiles in any OpenStreet map whether the map came from an OpenStreet page or from any other site that used OpenStreet maps. The maps are always rendered with about 30% "More OSM coming soon..." tiles. No amount of waiting fills them in. Since this behavior started, I have cleared the cache and cookies several times. The behavior persists even after an upgrade to Ubuntu and Firefox. Maps always display completely in Chrome, Opera and Seamonkey.

While this is only a nuisance more than anything else, I am using Firefox as my default browser and at times need to get out and call up a site in something else. I'm just surprised that this is such a persistent and reproducible problem and that things like clearing the cache don't fix it.

Any ideas where I might look to fix it?


asked 08 May '11, 16:52

Samloops's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I have not heard of anyone (including me) having any problems with that setup. That it heapens on only 33% of the tiles is peculear because it is setup to get tiles from three different domains (, and to allow for more simultanious connections. Are all the problem tiles on the same domain? And if they are can you connect to and download tiles from that server?

permanent link

answered 08 May '11, 17:31

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thanks for your response and your suggestion!

From your hint, I've called up and right-clicked on individual tiles to check and see where they are coming from. There are no tiles from; only a. and c. The unloaded tile images come from . I'll dig a little deeper and see if somehow Firefox is blocking images from b. If it is however, I wouldn't expect to see a 404 error but see something else.

Thanks for your help. I didn't know about the a,b and c servers. Looks like the answer is there somewhere.

(08 May '11, 17:48) Samloops

Fixed it!

Thank you very much for your guidance. It took a little digging but I found that under Edit > Preferences > Content > Load images automatically > Exceptions, the b. tile server was listed as blocked. Don't know how that got there but I unblocked it and now all is well.

Thanks again...

(08 May '11, 18:02) Samloops

Can I suggest you either a) merge this with your previous answer, or b) convert it into a comment. It would also be nice for you to accept the original answer. Other users who then have a problem like yours will see that there is an accepted solution.

(08 May '11, 20:08) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 08 May '11, 16:52

question was seen: 5,918 times

last updated: 08 May '11, 20:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum