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A little frustrated. We are about to launch a new website that uses a plugin to map with openstreetmap. The problem is when it searches (1404 W Covina Blvd, San Dimas, CA 91773) It finds it 2 miles away from our real building which I have placed in the system ( The frustrating part that I can't fix is when you look at the address portion of our church it mentions place:hamlet as Charter Oak Mobile Estates which is where the incorrect search goes to. We are not anywhere near that place. Can someone assist me on how to get this correct?

asked 24 Jun '16, 17:26

randyaccv's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Do not use abbreviated street names: example.

I guess that your search finds a location somewhere else, because there the abbreviated names have been explicitly mapped: - not really good. That should be done by software. I not sure why Nominatim evaluates those Tiger tags at all.

permanent link

answered 24 Jun '16, 23:32

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

This does not fix my issue. Even when I search for 1404 West Covina Boulevard, my address doesn't come up even though I have created a node for it.

(25 Jun '16, 01:01) randyaccv

When I search for "1404 West Covina Boulevard" or "West Covina Boulevard 1404" I get two results: A house in the middle of the road and a worship place.

(25 Jun '16, 09:46) malenki

@randyaccv: could you please post a link to a search with an unabbreviated address, so we can reproduce your experience?

(25 Jun '16, 12:03) aseerel4c26 ♦

Looks like this query will do it:

The tiger tags ought to be removed from those road sections but regardless, I don't see why they are being picked over as the tagging on the church looks okay to me other than maybe adding a denomination tag which should not affect address based searches.

(25 Jun '16, 16:00) n76

Is there anyone who can speak into why a road that is miles long is only returning 2 small sections in the nominatim search? That looks like the core of the issue since everything else is in place.

(05 Jul '16, 17:25) randyaccv

@randayaccv It probably boils down to "because it is currently implemented that way and nobody improved it yet". I guess it isn't easy to fix.

(05 Jul '16, 20:42) scai ♦

I thought nominatim (on only returned the first result when all the other tags are the same. I expect that the 2 sections you see will have e.g. a different road classification or are located in different towns.

(06 Jul '16, 06:59) escada
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question asked: 24 Jun '16, 17:26

question was seen: 3,058 times

last updated: 06 Jul '16, 06:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum