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In European countries, it is forbidden to perform U-turn at an intersection (see R. 412-19 in France, similar rules exist in other countries).

Yet, every time I link two roads together (I create an intersection), it appears with no restriction for U-turns at the intersection point. At the moment I just select the intersection and add the U-turn restriction manually; this is cumbersome and really not practical. I'm using iD.

Whenever I drive off the suggested route, my routing engine (OsmAnd offline) tells me to turn around precisely at those points. I would like my routing engine to stop suggesting illegal maneuvers.

What is a good suggestion for this?

asked 23 Jun '16, 19:47

Dani%20CS's gravatar image

Dani CS
accept rate: 0%


In European countries? I'm pretty sure this is allowed in Germany on every intersection where it isn't explicitly forbidden. Except from a few corner cases where it would obviously be too dangerous.

(24 Jun '16, 07:33) scai ♦

Also legal in Czech Republic - except at traffic-light-controlled intersections and where explicitly forbidden.

(24 Jun '16, 07:51) Piskvor

I'd suggest contacting the authors of the router itself. Osmand has a Google Group; you can try there.

Incidentally; rules such as this would have to be applied by country. Certainly not all European countries have this rule.

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answered 23 Jun '16, 20:13

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SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 23 Jun '16, 19:47

question was seen: 4,191 times

last updated: 24 Jun '16, 07:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum