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My company is using OSM + Leaflet. Our map currently displays like this: map screenshot

What are our options to change the UI of the map? We want to tone it down to something more like this: map screenshot

asked 20 Jun '16, 19:03

katie_sfa's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Jun '16, 21:13

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

While there might be ways to lighten the map in Javascript, the proper thing to do would be to stop using the OSM tiles that are made available for free, on servers paid for through donations, and instead produce your own map tiles on your own server paid by yourselves. If you do that, then you can control the map style in any way you want, including free choice of colors. There are also commercial companies that will sell you access to their tile servers, and that will offer either custom map styling or at least a range of standard map styles that differ from the tiles on

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answered 20 Jun '16, 19:09

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

it may be not obvious: Frederik is talking of maps which are all based on the same, free OSM data.

(20 Jun '16, 21:19) aseerel4c26 ♦

If you don't have money, I've also seen people using HOT tiles, as they are a bit softer in tone. See

(21 Jun '16, 13:11) joost schouppe

@joost schouppe : what is the usage policy for HOT tiles ? The OP represents a company, they should not use tiles that are meant for the community and NGOs. While the data is free, tile usage & hosting typically is not free for commercial use.

(22 Jun '16, 07:11) escada

I'm just describing what I see, not saying it's a good idea. I'll leave that to OP. It looks like HOT doesn't have it's own tile usage policy, the only thing I could turn up was , where they refer to the OSM Tile usage policy.

(22 Jun '16, 07:23) joost schouppe

If you don't feel like setting up your own tileserver (which is a fairly involved process), you can consider using a third-party supplier that offers a 'lighter' cartography similar to your second example, but still based on OpenStreetMap data.

The following suppliers all offer such a style, though if your usage exceeds a certain number of views a month they will charge you:

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answered 22 Jun '16, 15:18

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%


there's also stamen, for example

(22 Jun '16, 15:23) neuhausr

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question asked: 20 Jun '16, 19:03

question was seen: 3,449 times

last updated: 22 Jun '16, 15:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum