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So I got the result of Dijkstra as sequence of coordinates


where lat_1,lon_1 is the start point and lat_n,lon_n is the end point of the vehicle route. I need to display this path on real map. After adding node_id and description, I used GPSVisluazer website to create GPX file. I opened it in jpeg and Google Map and all show just set of points or markers with no connected lines between them. Now my question is: how to display the result of Dijkstra on OSM or at least having it as image? I checked rendering and routing sections in but there is nothing obvious.

asked 17 Jun '16, 12:50

xline's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you have a gpx with waypoints and just want a straight line joining the points, you could use a text editor and replace the 'wpt' tags with 'trk' tags and then the points will be joined by a line when viewed in gpsvisualizer. I haven't tried this but it should be easy enough if you open an example of a gpx track to use as an example. I suspect you instead require a road route between the points, and if so, you can upload the gpx file of the waypoints to a site like and draw a route to each point.
Example of correct tags here

permanent link

answered 17 Jun '16, 17:10

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 17 Jun '16, 17:46

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question asked: 17 Jun '16, 12:50

question was seen: 3,147 times

last updated: 17 Jun '16, 17:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum