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I live in Brighton, well Hove actually. Being a resident of 'Hove actually', how can get my street to appear in the list for Hove rather than Brighton?

Also, the City of Brighton and Hove is a Unitary Authority and no longer part of East Sussex; there are signs as you leave the City saying "Welcome to East Sussex" or "Welcome to West Sussex" (depending on the direction you take.

asked 07 May '11, 12:05

ajrobb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I recently fixed-up a lot of boundaries in this area. Many had been broken by various edits and may have affected how Nominatim shows an address.

(07 May '11, 15:36) SK53 ♦

as sk53 says the boundaries need fixing,or checking,I spent weeks puzzling over one near me.I had fixed it but it can take ages for it to be corrected in the nomination, so you may not see the results of correction for a long time.

permanent link

answered 07 May '11, 17:21

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

there are lots of questions and answers on this all ready here is one

(07 May '11, 17:26) andy mackey

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question asked: 07 May '11, 12:05

question was seen: 4,303 times

last updated: 07 May '11, 17:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum