Hi How do I edit a bridge to show that it is currently under repair and is closed to all traffic? Thanks Feargal |
Try changing the bridge segment's highway tag from highway=whatever to construction=whatever, then add a new highway=construction tag. 1
Hi Feargal, Pauls suggestions are correct, Ive got some questions, is the closure for all kinds of traffic, like pedestrians and bicycles or just motorists ? What’s the estimated time of the construction ? In which month is the bridge available for all traffic again ? Try to add those values in a tag as well if the period is more than just 2 months and above all don’t forget to change the situation back to normal again. When the period is less than 2 month don’t bother, the risk of leaving it (the project) is big and you don’t won’t to block a connection forever.
(16 Jun '16, 20:22)
Agree with Paul and Hendrikklaas - tag the highway segment on the bridge as highway=construction, which should remove it from consideration as a routable way, but be sure to change it back when the work is complete.
(16 Jun '16, 23:34)
… except for short construction periods to not to break offline data usage that hard for not that much gain on the other side – see the box in the intro of https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:construction .
(17 Jun '16, 06:22)
aseerel4c26 ♦
and if @Feargal does not know how to change the tags (since the question is about "how [to] edit"), see the bottom of https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag#Use_in_an_editor .
(17 Jun '16, 06:25)
aseerel4c26 ♦
@Hendrikaas It's supposed to be finished this side of Christmas. We'll see. I haven't walked down to the bridge itself to check if it is passable by pedestrians just now, but the construction plan is to remove the entire span, rebuild the supports and replace the span, so if it is not currently impassable to peds, it will be soon. I will try to get a closer look over the weekend. Background is that the bridge has been damaged twice in recent years by floods, and repaired poorly both times. So this repair job is going back to basics and ostensibly rebuilding from scratch. @Paul Thanks for that. It makes sense. On a more general note, should bridges be tagged as part of the highway normally or as standalone objects?
(17 Jun '16, 09:23)
Tip: In general it's better to ask totally different question as separate questions, and not use comments for that. You should at least tag the way with bridge=yes, layer=1 You could add a man_made=bridge, layer=1 as well.
(17 Jun '16, 10:17)
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