Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew if OSM makes the data behind the WikiMedia page available to the public? I would like to play around with my own wikimedia site with some of the OSM data as the starting point, but can't find the data publicly available anywhere. |
Should be at https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Wiki#Wiki_Dumps_.2F_Export but one link seems to be a long time dead and the other is three years old. I have asked the admin who had added the link back in 2010. By the way, over there are the Wikipedia dumps. You may want to use a small(!) Wikipedia (or Wikinews, …) language version instead for your test. Thanks @aseerel4c26 I will give it a go.
(17 Jun '16, 12:52)
For the record, there have been requests to bring back the dump on https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Wiki#wiki_dump, too. No reaction, unfortunately.
(28 Jul '16, 19:17)
There's now a ticket on GitHub for this, but sadly no solution for the actual issue yet. If any of you have helpful information or a use case affected by the issue, it may be a good idea to add a comment.
(17 Dec '17, 13:04)
Are you asking about the OSM wiki database?
Yes exactly. The database behind https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Main_Page
@Cellington: just to clarify, our wiki is powered by MediaWiki (not Wikimedia – the organization behind Wikipedia)