According to this wiki page on iD Shortcuts (which I know is not 'official documentation') you can use Alt+Click when drawing a line or area to place a node without connecting to an existing object. This would be quite useful, to avoid unwanted connections. But it doesn't seem to work for me. A note on that page says with Firefox you should use full-screen mode to avoid an unwanted browser interaction regarding the Alt key. I've tried it with Firefox (38.8.0ESR) and also Seamonkey (2.40), both full-screen and regular mode, all on Linux. When I press Alt, it does in fact prevent highlighting of another Way that my cursor touches. But it won't recognize the click to add a point there. If I release Alt, of course, it adds a node but connects to that object. Does it work for anyone? If it does, I'll just assume it is something about my browser/desktop environment causing this. |
It turns out that my Linux desktop environment (Xfce) grabs Alt+Click for itself, and does not deliver it to any application. It doesn't matter if the browser is in Full Screen Mode or not - it never sees the click. Workaround #1: Using either Shift+Alt+Click or Ctrl+Alt+Click instead of Alt+Click seems to work: adds a node without connecting. Workaround #2 (Xfce specific): Go to Settings, Window Manager Tweaks, Accessibility tab, and change "Key used to grab and move windows" from Alt to None. Then Alt+Click works in iD. |