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Hello again. Thanks to those who responded to my previous question. This one applies to about 2,000 closed ways in the same area. They are tagged building=terrace and landuse=residential. I've looked at about 10 of these, and they all seem to define an area bordering a private home which is used as a patio, pool deck, or other outdoor landscaped area. This, to me, seems clearly incorrect according to the OSM documentation for the building=terrace tag. I haven't been able to find a method for tagging such a feature (a patio, veranda, terrace, deck etc.). Perhaps man_made=patio? Here is an example: Looking at the Google satellite view this is clearly a patio behind the actual structure. Thanks!!!

asked 11 Jun '16, 17:39

RokeW's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

We can't use Google Satellite View for licence reasons, but the Bing imagery also shows as a flat concrete area with a swimming pool in it.

(11 Jun '16, 17:52) SomeoneElse ♦

For info, this question started out on the forum:

(11 Jun '16, 17:53) SomeoneElse ♦

There are over 2000 of these objects in Sacramento County alone! Why someone would put that much effort into tagging patios is beyond me (and beside the point) but one would think the people doing it would check their tagging methodology before proceeding.

Clearly, they have a wrong conception of what landuse=residential means. And the Wiki says building=terrace is "not meant to be used for a platform that extends outwards from a building" which would exclude the use of that tag to describe a patio as well.

Apparently because they could find no appropriate tags for what they were mapping, they merely "adapted" some common tags to fill the bill.

(11 Jun '16, 18:44) AlaskaDave

Most of the answers over at your other question also apply here I think (contact the mapper, discuss in a wider forum).

permanent link

answered 11 Jun '16, 18:47

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 11 Jun '16, 17:39

question was seen: 4,159 times

last updated: 11 Jun '16, 18:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum