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For small settlements such as Levisham in North Yorkshire, UK is it more appropriate to:

  1. Surround the whole settlement in a "Residential Area" (this seems to be most common)
  2. Surround it in "Hamlet" and subdivide each side of the main street as a residential area
  3. Just surround it in "Hamlet" (This seems most sensible to me)

asked 10 Jun '16, 15:29

BarnsleyOli's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Personally, I'd:

o Add a node (which already exists at the centre of the village: )

o Add the residential area but not name it (already done: )

I wouldn't tend to add a "name" to the residential part of a village because often in rural areas the village contains far more than just the residential area. However, there are plenty of people doing this (both in addition to a place node and in place of it).

permanent link

answered 10 Jun '16, 15:48

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 10 Jun '16, 15:29

question was seen: 3,813 times

last updated: 10 Jun '16, 15:48

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