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Following this tutorial (Rails Port, OpenStreetMap website) , I successfully installed my local server and it is working. When I go to my server adress, the website just looks like OpenStreetMap's website.

Now I want to use in JOSM my local server instead of alt text But I have this error Failed to retrieve a list of changesets from the OSM API server at 'http://localhost'. The server responded with the return code 404 instead of 200. Please check the spelling of 'http://localhost' and validate again

Any help will be appreciated Thanks

asked 07 Jun '16, 10:00

Clemapper's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


What does the log of your web server say about JOSM's connection request?

(07 Jun '16, 10:08) scai ♦

You can now view the site in your favourite web-browser at http://localhost:3000/, says the tutorial - perhaps you need to set the API server URL to http://localhost:3000/?

(07 Jun '16, 13:39) Piskvor

Thank you for your help. I just had to use http://localhost:3000/api and not http://localhost:3000

permanent link

answered 07 Jun '16, 15:39

Clemapper's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 07 Jun '16, 10:00

question was seen: 5,691 times

last updated: 08 Jun '16, 06:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum