Sometimes between valleys there is a flat highland called a mesa / table / plateau / whatever, depending on details. For example, I couldn't find a tag on the wiki for that - does anyone know an appropriate one? Thanks! |
Plateau seems to be the term used more widely around the world (mesa is mainly in the Americas), and there is at least some usage of natural=plateau in OSM, so that would be my recommendation. Some caveats: it probably won't be rendered by any normal rendering, and if you create it as a large area way, it may be challenging for you or others to edit (you could always just do a node in the center instead). 1
Thanks! I had not checked the taginfo to see what was in use. I'll just use points; this is just to have names on a topographic map. The contour lines make the extents of the plateaus pretty easy to distinguish.
(07 Jun '16, 16:39)
Federico Men...
Hmm... we'll definitely need an openlabelmap db somewhere one day. |