Salve sono un neofita del sito... e non riesco a scaricare una mappa dal sito che poi sia vista dal mio mnavigatore che legge solo formati in gpx o in kml. Provo a convertire i dati salvati con gpsbabel ma quando provo a caricarli sul programma che poi li esporta verso il mio dispositivo vengono visti solo come punti separati e non come trackpoint di un percorso... Se qualcuno sa come aiutarmi lo ringrazio in anticipo... Saluti a tutti Aldo |
Ok thank you! I'll try as soon as possible. If I'll have more problems, I'll post again! :) Bye Aldo |
Perhaps it could help you: By default, points are transformed to points. You have to specify in gpsbabel options that you desired to have tracks, instead of points. Search in google something like "gpsbabel points to tracks" |
Quick Google Translation:
Hello I am a newcomer to the site ... and I can not download a map from the site then being viewed from my browser that only reads in gpx or kml format. I try to convert the saved data with gpsbabel, but when I try to load the program that is then exported to my device are seen as separate points only and not as a path trackpoint ... If anyone knows how to help me thank him in advance ...